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发布日期:2024-03-23 13:02    点击次数:192



Uzi, also known as Jian Zi-Hao, is a Chinese retired professional gamer who made his name in the industry through his extraordinary skills in the game League of Legends. He spent ten years of his life competing on the world stage and earned the title of "The Best ADC in the World" multiple times. After a long and successful career, Uzi announced his retirement on June 3, 2020, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire gamers worldwide. Let's take a closer look at Uzi's journey through the gaming industry and how he became a global phenomenon.

The Early Days

Uzi began playing League of Legends in 2011 at the age of 13. He quickly gained recognition for his natural talent and was recruited to join Royal Club, a Chinese esports organization. Despite his young age, Uzi proved to be a formidable opponent and helped propel Royal Club to new heights within the gaming industry. By 2013, Uzi was widely considered one of the top players in the world.

The Rise to Stardom

In 2013, Uzi and his team were invited to participate in the League of Legends World Championship, the most prestigious event in the League of Legends esports calendar. Despite being relatively unknown outside of China at the time, Uzi quickly became a fan favorite due to his aggressive and flashy play style. He helped carry his team through to the finals, where they fell just short of winning the championship. However, Uzi's performance garnered worldwide attention, and he was quickly recognized as one of the best players in the world.

The Road to Global Domination

In 2014, Uzi returned to the League of Legends World Championship determined to win. His team made it to the finals once again, but this time, they emerged victorious. Uzi's incredible skills and tireless dedication were instrumental in securing the championship. He continued to dominate the game over the next several years, earning the title of "The Best ADC in the World" numerous times. He also represented China in several international competitions, including the Mid-Season Invitational and the All-Star Event.

The End of an Era

Despite his incredible success, Uzi's career was plagued by health issues. He suffered from severe chronic pain and spent extended periods of time recovering from various injuries. In 2020, Uzi made the difficult decision to retire from professional gaming to focus on his health. He announced his decision on social media, thanking his fans and colleagues for their support throughout his career. His retirement marked the end of an era for the gaming industry, but Uzi left behind a legacy that continues to inspire gamers worldwide.


Uzi's journey through the gaming industry is a testament to the power of hard work and determination. His incredible skills and unwavering dedication to the game earned him a place among the greatest players in history. Uzi's retirement may have been a difficult decision, but it also serves as a reminder of the importance of taking care of one's health and wellbeing. As the gaming industry continues to evolve and change, one thing remains certain: Uzi's legacy will continue to inspire gamers for generations to come.

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